Thursday, July 6, 2017

Upgrading Your HVAC System

Getting HVAC upgrades in Allentown Pennsylvania may not be something people often think about. With an HVAC, more likely than not he is going to recommend a repair. An upgrade would be a total overhaul of the unit and replacing it with a more efficient system. Obviously, replacing an old system doesn’t come without its own positives and negatives. Let’s look at both of them and decide if your system needs an upgrade.

The Positives Of An Upgrade

Replacing an old HVAC system with a new system could help better heat and cool your home and save you money in the long run. Heating and cooling is the biggest energy user in most homes, accounting for more than 40 percent of a home's energy bills.

Unless you are a qualified HVAC technician, you will need to call a professional. Installing an HVAC system is not something that should be taken lightly. An improperly sized or installed HVAC system can leak deadly carbon monoxide or other toxins into a home, cost you much more money, promote mold growth that can lead to chronic illness, or start fires. Seek a professional with some certifications such as NATE (North American Technician Excellence). A NATE patch signifies that the contractor employs technicians who have passed this national certification. Seek a qualified HVAC professional. This could be someone referred to you by an energy-efficiency or insulation company, a builder, even a friend. But you still want to qualify any expert. After all, this person or company will be installing systems in your home that can directly affect the health and safety of your family.

The Negatives

Cost. Installing a new system costs anywhere from $3,000-5,000. Before you spend thousands of dollars on a new heating or cooling system, it's a good idea to check your house and your HVAC system for costly air leaks. This could be the root of the problem, and would be a lot less expensive to treat.

It's a good idea to start by having an energy assessment done on your home by an energy efficiency professional. This can either be a walk-through with a clipboard, or a more comprehensive audit with a blower-door test that pressurizes the house so energy leaks can be detected. In some areas, electric utilities subsidize the costs of energy efficiency assessments, and some states offer rebates or discounts on having insulation installed or other work done to make your home more efficient.
Why is this a great first step? Because properly insulating your home and sealing leaks will help your heating and cooling system run much more efficiently. You may discover that you don't need to replace that system after all. And if you do replace it, your new heating or cooling system can then be sized properly and run more efficiently, potentially saving you significantly on both your upfront costs and energy bills in the future.

The Installation

If you have followed the above steps, had an HVAC technician audit your house and approve of an upgrade, next comes choosing the right system for your home. A lot of consideration goes into this process because this isn’t a small commitment. The next page talks about which systems you should consider.

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